Lavender Essential Oil
Bulgarian Lavender
Oils are shipped in glass amber bottles and should be kept in a cool, dark place, tightly sealed.
This plant (Lavandula angustifolia) has narrow leaves that are gray in colour and are covered in a soft down like fur. The plant grows to about 1 meter in height (3 feet) and produces long thin purple- blue flowers. The entire plant is covered with oil glands, which are in the star shaped hairs that cover the plant. The oil is yellow in colour, sometimes with a tinge of green. Lavender essential oil is one of the mildest, but highly effective "terp" you can mix with your henna paste.
- 5 mL bottle
- 10 mL bottle
- 15 mL bottle
Warnings: Allergic reaction is very low. It is generally regarded as a non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Only a few drops are used in henna paste, reducing direct exposure to this concentrated oil. Generally safe to use on children and pregnant/lactating women -- HOWEVER CHECK WITH A DOCTOR FIRST. Do not ingest!